Thursday, June 15, 2017

Parang Fellowship Lang

I believe today was my busiest patient day to date.

In lubdub hospital, two of the biggest census-ed consultants were on leave and they asked me to cover.  i had an in patient census of 14 patients.

As if it were the lot of the day, i also had 14 out patients today.

I don't know how it was, but i believe my attitude today was God's Grace.

i just went and was with each patient.  When it was the patient and me, i zoomed into them and just thought that it was me and him in the whole world.

In between patients, when i got hungry, i ate my biscuit PF.

I paused.

I was seeing patients non stop from 930 am to 9 pm.

And i realized, i love seeing patients.

however, i also realized i love the state where i am in.  that i still have the capacity to enjoy them because they still weren't too much.

and of course, at least may PF!

i hope i always remain balanced and zen.  but contrary to what i thought of before, i hope this won't be a steady status quo, but there will be rests between.

in the meantime, thank you lord for the patients.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I cuuuuunt belive ive just discovered this! Yeeees we loveeee PF!!!
