Friday, April 27, 2018

Happiness Bubble

Do you sometimes get the feeling of being in a good place that it scares you?

Do you get the feeling that things could finally be going right, and that you are the luckiest girl and the world?  That everything, in all aspects of your life, are falling into place and moving in the right direction, without you working so hard to do it?

Do you feel that you have worked so long and hard to become that ideal person, that you are faking so hard to make it, and then one morning, you suddenly wake up and you ARE that ideal person without the effort.  And you forgot what happened in between?

Do you feel like you spent such a long time waiting for that ideal moment, and suddenly when it seems to be here, all the time wasn't all that long, all the time waiting was worth it, because finally, it is here, and it is even better than you imagined it would be?

Do you ever find yourself so lost in your own thoughts with a goofy smile on your face, laughing to yourself, thinking yourself crazy, but being unable to stop that warm, fuzzy, feeling inside anyway?

Do you every get that warm feeling in your gut that you couldn't turn off, even if you tried?

Did you every have the time when you truly said and felt that I AM SO HAPPY, and that you can't remember the last time you even thought that to yourself?

I am so happy.  I am so happy in my bubble, that I am scared in can burst into a zillion pieces, knowing that it possibly will... so I am just enjoying the moment.

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