Monday, August 26, 2013

have faith. let go.

the feast lessons last sunday really spoke to my heart, so i want to preserve them here:

Trustful Lessons this Sunday:

1. We have four reasons why we do "Bahala Na!!!"
a. Sloth (Laziness)
b. Sloppy (we tend to do decisions so quickly without consulting)
c. Sacrifice
d. Surrender

2. Sacrifice and surrender are the great and positive reasons of doing "Bahala Na!!!"

3. Always remember that there are some things in your life that is never designed by God to be under your control.

4. Nothing is out of control if God is under control of everything.

5. Behind the curtain, God is going everything.

6. There are two kinds of Miracles: Invisible and Visible.

7. The greatest miracle that you receive is your life.

8. Walk in Faith, not by sight.

9. Before your problem existed, God has already prepared a solution to that problem.

10. God is an advance planner.

11. There are two types of surrender: Ask in Trust and Act in Trust

12. Always believe the Law of Reciprocity. What you give, it bounces back to you.

13. God will fight your battles for you.

14. No one can curse you. The only one who can curse you is you.

15. When people curses you, God turns that curse into a blessing.

16. Nothing remains small in God's Big Hands.

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