Monday, August 26, 2013

Values Ed Continues.

I distinctly remember high school.  we had a subject called values education wherein we were forced to do journalling.

now back then, i really hated journalling.

i didn't do it.  so at the end of the quarter, i found myself forced to finish writing 30 plus pages in one night.  when i had nothing to write about.  i think i was quite issue-less at that time of my youth.  i guess i didn't even know what the word issue meant.  my writing technique then became redundant, word filled.  palabok is the word i would use to describe it.

and then life happened.  i graduated from high school.  journalling was no longer required.  issues came rolling in, one after another.  then another.  then another.  but no words were written.

and then...i attended a retreat yesterday.  and i was asked to write.  not forced to.  i had no need to answer to anyone.

and then....i was amazed to see that i was stripped of all the unessentials.  i just wrote very short passages from the heart.

i was also amazed that my very long dream list from before became short.  and i was happy!

not because i had lack of dreams.  but because i had fulfilled so many of them.
not because i needed to impress other people with a long list of achievements.  but because i chose the few, important things that really warrant my attention.

and i found myself itching to write.

so i am.  writing.  and at this point, i feel that i won't stop.

i never thought i would look for a journal to write.  i don't need an audience.  just a medium.

hence, the rebirth of the new me sucks it up. :)

1 comment:

  1. In my head your site is always suckitupeth! I need to get used to this new me! Yah!
