Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Own Your Experiences

Just this month, i remember ranting that in my pure kamukhang-perahan that the earnings for the month of august (what with habagat and pork barrel and all the holidays) were smaller than that of july.  i was so apprehensive because my expenses went way above what i intended.  panic stricken, i was eventually forced to let it go because the worry was getting better of me.

I prayed to god for more money.  then i let go.

imagine my surprise when i received a particular check from a particular racket-place.  i received twice the value of what i was expecting!  apparently, i got back pay from professional fees as far back as three months ago!  

first words in my brain were "Thank God!"

And to make matters more exciting, rshell, a med rep friend, approached me today, and without my asking, offered me a slot in one of the post grad courses!

Writing these things down makes it real.  I never ceased to be amazed.  Just when i feel that i can no longer breathe because of my need to control things, I let go.  And He makes His presence felt.  Amazing!

In fact, to prove the point, i read this in one of my God Whispers Messages:

"Do not expect other people to give as much or more than you do.  Life is really not fair.  If it were, you would not be getting as many blessings as you are."

True. :)